Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Material collection csm library:

Possible solutions in case bubble belles could be hanged from a ceiling 

String people:

 Pin people:

 MOVE choreographing you; Hayward gallery

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pin People Idea

This is the video of the iron dust 'dancing' in an electro-magnetic field...



Saturday, October 23, 2010

Doves from above: Fabrication Update

Crows get sucked into man's costume, perhaps giving the appearance of the blood in his veins starting to move again if the straws/veins are visible.  
For the woman, small pockets/slits in fabric where dove wings come out (dancers with dove puppets on hands/winged headpieces/insert their arm into a wing hidden within the fabric of skirt.)
Also, dancers under the skirt can have costumes that create the shape of the undulating hills (maybe created with caging.)

String: Fabrications Update

Fabrication: how does the floor attach to the man’s feet so that it comes away in clumps/how can we create the same effect you get from ski boots: that he can lean very far off his axis without loosing stability?  
Created in chunks attached together with invisible thread? Parachute?  
Do we have people as roots holding him down?

Lightness: Materials/Fabrication Update

Materials: We tried some colored bubbles that float well at roll nicely on the skin.  With practice we should be able to make them much larger.  They do deflate the more you touch them. . . 
Fabrication: Can the caging under the woman (Traveler)'s skirt be a giant bubble maker?

Cat's Cradle: Materials Update

Does the string slice through his black costume to reveal something else? 

String hair knots, bits of the woman’s dress.  Should be slightly elastic and strong enough to support the dancers’ weight.  Would be lovely if they could climb into it like a web.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

moving feathers

moving feathers, moving floor,
the kinetics between it.

another wave image,


unraveller music

unraveller when his roots are moving http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt5DgJ2cTx0

lady travelling.


the travellers journey along the hills.
stop motion i really liked these images.



I think this is good sound bite for the bubbles.


String - and dance:

Bubble ideas:

Delicate bubbles:

 Christian Dior collection:



This is a costume from one of previous BA shows they used Led lights

Example of some more complicated use of light /lasers , but if we would use lights we would use simple versions of led or x-mas decoration lights. 

Putting light into the dress

Feather / Birds idea or head piece for pin people just from different material

From Gareth's Pugh collection:
I love how the facial features are completely obscured.  J.Essex

I believe this would be a good inspiration for Pin people vs Bubble Belles 

That's funny . . . tap dancing pin people. J.Essex